Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Pilgrim's heart....

I wonder what would have been protruding out of my mouth if I was one of the Pilgrims sailing on the Mayflower. What excitement there would have been in finally being able to sail to the free land in order to worship the Lord freely. But as the days passed and as people started to die on board, what did their hearts begin to look like? Then they finally arrive only to be starving due to lack of knowledge and supplies....were they so disheartened? I wonder what my own heart would have looked like at this point? Knowing myself, I would have probably been griping and asking God why He brought us this far to let us die. Then the Lord brought life....a gift of the Indians.

I look over my past life experiences and what a bouncing around of spiritual heart conditions I've had. Over and over again He's faithful to me & my family & instead of trusting Him and giving Him thanks even in the hard times, I fall into grumbling and complaining until I remember all He's done. What if when times are hard I turn to the Lord and tell Him that I'm so thankful for His refining me and can't wait to see what He does? He would probably go into shock.

A never ceasing heart of Thankfulness is what I long for. Good, bad, happy, sad....thankfulness. I'm sure the Pilgrims went through the same struggles we do in wondering what God was doing. But what we read about in History in their story should alone attest to His faithfulness...how God takes care of His children.

Thankfulness....for He's so good.


His Girl said...

*sigh* beautiful perspective

BethAnne said...

Perpetual thankfulness is what I long for too, but I have to admit that I struggle with it.......it is unbelievable because I have been blessed when I dont deserve ANYTHING (just my salvation should be blessing enough)....but still I am not always grateful as I should be.....it is a terrible character flaw. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friend....I am thankful for you!

Sittintall said...

Thank you for the reminder. I can't imagine what the pilgrims were thinking either (or so many people in impoverished countries for that matter). I know I've been blessed, and I need to focus on that more often. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Mari said...

Great post Earen. I'd be right next to you on the ship, complaining too! Thanks for this reminder as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Good perspective! I like your writing! How did you get your blog to post in your Facebook page?
We have several blogs too- one about our ministry-

and one from my perspective-

I will add you to our blogroll-

In His Hands,
Josie Gwin

Alana said...

I needed to hear that today, thanks, Earen!