Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Stillness through Simplicity....

"....We struggle to find a quiet, spiritual center. And even more so to understand what God means when He says, 'Be still...'

Stillness must be something deeper, more subtle, more encompassing than I previously thought. It must center more on inner sources and less on outer ones. It must not be dependent upon carefree circumstances, serene surroundings, or lack of children underfoot. It's not even a product of quiet or inactivity. In fact, we have to be able to find it in the middle of chaos.....We can start this by making radical choices in favor of simplicity."

These quotes come from a book I picked up at my mom's house called "Still Life" by Mary Jenson. Simplicity is the word I feel that the Lord gave me the first part of this year. I have cut so much out of my schedule this year. For one, it's easier...but the moments I would have missed because of rushing off, or the peace that I needed inside for a bit would have passed me by.

Stillness...simplicity....we almost feel guilty just saying the words. We aren't utilizing what we should be. We aren't doing what we should be doing at church or volunteering somewhere or involved in a ministry. And for me, the guilt sets in. Those things in themselves are not bad by any means, but I strongly feel that for me when they get in the way of the calling the Lord has given me of making a home filled with the presence of the Lord, loving and respecting my husband, caring and training with love for my children....then we lose the simplicity and the stillness to hear Him.

What greater joy would there be than to be still and simple in the presence of the Lord. The chaos will be there and even then I sometimes don't like to call my life chaos, but little gifts given to me that require me to be busy! :-)

It's the's the heart that finds stillness, but in order to find that stillness, I've had to find simplicity. To find that Breathe of Fresh Air that saturates my entirety that only God can do. To rest....

Psalm 91: 1-2
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord, He alone is my refuge, my place of safety, he is my God, and I trust him..."


Kristen said...

Lovely Earen! Those words brought tears to my eyes- to find the stillness in the midst of chaos. It is what we have to do as moms of little children. I have also been trying to simplify and of course the guilt sets in but I have been learning to embrace saying no knowing that in the end it is better for everyone. Thank you for your words today!

Mari said...

What a beautiful post. It was calming just to read it. I am not good at being still and have had a hectic day today. I needed this.

His Girl said...

reminds me of one of my fave Telecast songs,

"It's the beauty of simplicity...that brings me down to my knees
I'll praise You for eternity... and Lord I love You
Because You...You first loved me
It's the beauty of simplicity...that fills me with eternity
I've tasted Your divinity...and Lord, I love You
Because You...You first loved me

You gave Yourself away- just that I could stay
You took my place in death,and rose that I could say
That You are Holy and You alone deserve my praise"

Sarah Markley said...

That Telecast song is so great! I love this post. You, Earen, DO have a way with words. Keep writing!

Fran said...

God and I did a major overhaul in this matter a few years ago and when I finally saw or knew that I needed to life radically changed!!!

Keep it simple sista! :)
Happy Easter and have a glorious Sunday morning~

Alana said...

I have had a similar journey this year. I, too, sometimes struggle with guilt, but I have discovered that this is where God wants me to be and it is a good thing. You would really enjoy the book I have been reading by Keri Wyatt Kent called Breathe. You should check it out.

Anonymous said...

In the stillness---You are there! (thank you Lord)

And even in my busy home---I can still found that stillness-----it comes from something that is not dependent on my circumstances!

Great thoughts Earen.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Stillness--something I love and crave.

God bless.

BethAnne said...

stillness in the middle of chaos - what every mommy craves and what only God can provide. missed you while i was gone!

mariel said...

this is beautiful and so perfectly spoke to my heart! this is the very thing the Lord has been working into mmy own heart for over a year now and I often need to drawn back and remember what it is He si teaching me...simplicity! it is ME that makes things complicated!! thank you for this reminder, dear one!