Saturday, March 8, 2008

Time...'s an interesting thing. I personally sometimes wonder how I have the time to blog myself and read all of your amazing blogs....thus the reason I'm delayed in writing & reading so often.

This past week I didn't have access to the internet world. As I took a break from this technology I realized how much of a hold it on my life and how much of a priority it had become to me. Low and behold I realized my house was cleaner, I had time to read the Word, I had time to spend with my boys...I had more time....

What things in my life have so much control over me that it interferes with what's most important? As I backed away from this internet world I realized that it's a wonderful thing, but it had been taking too much of me....too much of me away from what's so much more important. So, as much as I love reading your blogs and sharing our lives together I am taking this chance to really be careful as to when I open this world and take away from my own world.....

I love writing, so you're not getting rid of me that easy, but I challenge you all to see what happens when you take a week break....


Mari said...

I know I spend too much time on the computer - I may have to try a break too!

Sittintall said...

Good for you. I know I have felt this way several times. When we were on vacation (after a few days), I realized how much I didn't miss blogging and how much I cherished the time spent with family doing otherwise. I vowed to come home and spend less time at the computer. Yet, here I am again addicted to the keyboard. It's definitely fun, when used in moderation. Glad you had a great time away. I'll have to take another break soon.

dawn said...

Glad you are back and learned this lesson. It's one we can all use as well.

Short Stop said...

I think finding the right balance is indeed hard. I had to step back and take a good long look at my blogging time a few months ago, and feel like I've finally found a balance that works.

It's awesome that you had so much time to spend with your family and in God's word!

Thank you for challenging us with this post, Earen!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I can spend the time on here since I don't have any real life friends. :)

There are seasons of life and you have chosen to do what's best.

Janelle said...

I sometimes feel like the computer has me in bondage. I do need to step back and re-evaluate (again). Seems like a never-ending process.

Moderation is the key!

BethAnne said...

It IS hard to find a balance between blogging and the real world. I think my best time to blog is early in the morning before everyone is up and at it or late at night when they are asleep. I do notice that more things get done when I stay away from the computer though. Next week, we will be out of town and I will have a whole computer-less week. You are a smart woman to see your need for time away from the computer. I fear that there are many people who are addicted and need help---who would have ever thought computer addiction would be a problem for the common person? Anyway, I pray that you find time to blog and read blogs while keeping your family time precious. I pray that we all will do that.

Fran said...

Um excuse me?? Take a break?? I don't think I can!! :)

Seriously are a good woman! As with anything we do....keep it in balance and moderation or you'll be a mess!!

Maybe we can all say "ok, its blogging. no computers." Then you won't feel like you're missing something!

Hugs and blessings~

Jenni S. said...

Thanks, for the challenge. I've been thinking about this myself, after a comment my husband made last week - nothing major, just something he said off-the-cuff that got me to thinking. It definitely can be addictive in a bad way, but I also love how much I'm challenged in my thinking when I read other posts. All that to say, I have not yet found my balance, but I'm working on it. :)

Alana said...

I have been doing this myself. I seem to have an ebb and flow with blogging. Each time I come out of an ebb I feel like I am at a healthier place with it. It is a blessing, but in moderation!

mariel said...

ok, I'm with Fran on this one...if we all agree to take a week off, then we will not miss anything, right?!

haha!! Anyway, i completely agree it is all about balance!! It takes 21 days to break a habit, if we take 21 days off, we will never miss it, right? Yeah right!

great post!!

Karen Giron said...

Hey Earen - Just wanted to let you know that I have tagged your blog. If you want to play along, come on over to my blog and find out how!
I'm proud of you taking time away from the computer! You are an inspiration girl!