Friday, June 20, 2008


Even though I don't like to offend anyone & want everyone to like me, I decided to say my piece about the Presidential race that is taking place right now. I recently was sent a Youtube video, (which just simply stated facts) on Obama and I honestly was shocked. I believe (my opinion) that it will be a sad day if he becomes President and not only that, but a scary day for America.

Now, let me just clear the air and express that it has nothing to do with his race because I have absolutely no problems with having an African American President. What it has to do with is the things he stands for, the people he's been involved with, and the lack of patriotism I've seen. How can a man that doesn't seem to be passionate about America and love it - lead it? And I heard the other day on a Christian talk show that he's only served 143 days in office...not very much.

As some friends & I were talking about this, I ultimately had to come back to the knowledge of what we know about end times. We, as believers in Jesus Christ know that things aren't really going to be better. Things are going to get harder & worse...BUT, the overwhelming excitement is that He's coming back for us!! In the meantime, I know that God is in complete control and whether we see it or not, He has control over everything....even who's our President.

So, there you have it...a little piece of my mind about this. No offense if you don't agree, but I could send you that Youtube video..... :-)


dawn said...

It's no doubt that we are in a tough situation right now. What I do know is our God is bigger than even the president of the most powerful nation in the world.

Nothing happens by accident.

Shelley said...

I love that you wrote that God is always in control. That is the most important thing to remember, especially during an election year!

Mari said...

I too think we are getting closer to the end of time. The Bible tells of many things that will happen - earthquakes, floods... and that has certainly been happening. I will not be voting for Obama either - not because he's black. I have no problem with that and have voted for black people before, but I don't like what he stands for.

BethAnne said...

Amen sister, amen!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Very quickly.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree that there is never a time when Christians must start wringing their hands. Nobody has knocked God off of his throne, nor will they.

As a homeschooler, I've had a good dose of world history over the last 4 years, and I think we could all use a bit more PERSPECTIVE. There have indeed been worse times than this - more wicked, more hopeless, more perverse. I could rattle off many. These things come and go, kingdoms rise and fall, and the world keeps turning at God's command. "There is nothing new under the sun," how quickly we forget.

During the time of the caesars, during those first Christians' trials and persecutions, one of our church fathers said of the reigning caesar, "he is more our caesar than yours - for our God put him upon the throne." And this has stuck in my mind.

If O'bama should become president, he will be OUR president even more than he is anyone else's. And we must remember who we are - God's children, who receive only good and never evil from His hand. "Perfect love casts out fear." We are being challenged to see our Father for what He is - good AND powerful. Righteous AND merciful.
"All thing work together for the good..." and do we truly believe this? Or are we cringing in fear, wondering how He will make us suffer next?

I'm on a soapbox now, aren't I? But I'm glad you brought this up, because I am becoming concerned with the way I hear Christians speaking all around me, as if we are all alone in this world. Even in our sin, God never leaves His children, but restores us in mercy. Our constant hope in His goodness and our faith in His divine sovereignty ought to be shining like beacons in a dark world to all around us.

I will be voting for McCain, and I don't like O'bama anymore than you do! I thank God, however, for our country's system of checks and balances, and for the Kingdom of God that rules over all. Whether things get worse, stay the same, or get better and better until the Kingdom comes, we are to continue to do our duty, fear God and honor the King... and live as true children of God should. I am reminded of I Peter 3:5: " former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive... as Sarah obeyed... whose daughters you are, if you do good and are not afraid with any terror."

It is so good for us to encourage each other in these things, Earen! Thanks for being brave enough to post concerning it... and for letting ME post in your comment section, ha ha! :)


Anonymous said...

Me too----I agree wholeheartedly with you on Obama.

It's easier for me to remove myself from the politics since I live in Japan. However, I am an American so I must remain actively involved and concerned. Thank goodness for absentee ballots!

Actually, my first impression on Obama was not too impressive. There is a little city here in Japan called Obama----they were really excited and started producing t-shirts and other stuff when all the campaigning was going on. They thought perhaps Obama could boost the economy a bit for interested tourists visiting their rural city.

So, this little city sent an invitation inviting Obama to come visit (and even sent a small gift)

Obama's response? He neither replied nor visited this city in Japan----and that was before the campaign. They sent a 2nd invite and he brushed them off again.

Like I said, I completely disagree with his stance on issues but I was turned off by his flippant non chalant response to the city and people of Obama, Japan too.

Fran said...

Whoa...good for you and breaking into politics on the blog! :) God is much bigger than I can get my mind around and I need to realize and remember that He covers all.

Blessings Earen!
Much love,

Fran said...

Just saying hi and checking on ya!
Hope all is well.