Thursday, December 13, 2007


I love this picture of my Benjamin. He's my middle child, but I affectionately call him "my 2nd firstborn child."

He loves life...loves his brothers...loves his daddy...and I find that his heart loves me.

He screams at the top of his lungs...pinches his older brother....and likes to tell me "no".

The way he talks can melt my heart...not every word fully forming as only 2 1/2 year olds can do.

He loves his balls and cars and is truly a boy in every sense of the word. Playing animal is his newest thing.

The way he says my name, his lips as they try to come together to give me a kiss...

All of these things give me joy because I always remember he was given to me...

Recently he's clung closer to me than normal...calling my name more often....wanting me to "hold you."

He holds a dear place in my heart...his cute little body, his arms around me as we hug..I love him dearly.

It's a big responsibility raising a heart for Him....he was given to me & I am honored that the Lord chose me to raise such a precious one.


BethAnne said...

He is too cute and has the sweetest little face. Reminds me of my Kaden. I love little boys and your little ones have an awesome mama.

Janelle said...

Sweet! I love this honoring post.

Alana said...

He is a cutie! I loved reading your thoughts about him. Boys are cool ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot for little boys. My Matthew use to say "hold you" too. They were precious words. Hug him extra tight, you never know just how long the time we are entrusted to them. He's adorable!