Thursday, December 27, 2007

A spotlight...

Snow is falling again today reminding me ever so strongly of winter....Christmas has been completed for yet another year. All is put away in our home and we now move into the New Year. January is my least favorite month of the year. The hype of Christmas is over, my husband is back to work after being so amazingly blessed with his presence for 2 weeks, and routine begins again. The only joy I see to find is the birthday of my dear son Caleb...a spotlight of light in what has been in the past a dimmer month.

What I see this year is the chance to snuggle into life this next settle in. Taking the time to rest as the winter snow bounds us to home so many days. Spend more time with my family, possibly read a book, get on the floor and play trucks, watch a good movie snuggled next to my husband as I enjoy a latte. These are the things that I now look forward to in the the dimmer January month.

I change my attitude, change my perspective, and focus on that spotlight of joy along with the delights of home and family. Enjoy the peace as I watch the pure snow falling to the ground....cherish the warmth around me not only in the heat of these warm walls around me, but in the love of those that reside in it....treasure all these in my heart because soon, January will be over...the winter will pass and I'll see Spring again.


Kristen said...

Beautiful words today! It gives me a whole new perspective on January. It always has felt like a long month, but when you change the attitude and I see it through your words - it can be a great month to renew energy and prepare for the rest of the year. Thank you for your words!

Sittintall said...

Your words on a "dimmer month" are interesting, because I actually just wrote on that very subject and saved to post tomorrow.

Sarah Markley said...

No snow here, but a cold wind! But still, the sun here in California is warm! Keep cozy! =)