Saturday, February 9, 2008


He's been up for an extra, extended period of time. He's exhausted, and beyond the time of his bed. He's had fun playing, but now it's time to rest.

His eyes fight it....he's tired, but he's determined to keep them open at the off chance he might miss something. He closes them for a split moment as he's nursing to sleep, only to pop them back open so sweetly, looking up at me as to say, "did I miss anything?" He knows he's so tired, but he won't sleep...he won't rest.

The Lord is feeding us in the journey of our lives with Him. We're exhausted from the day's activities...our hearts have fought battles we didn't expect to fight today....

We try to stay awake....we try to take control....we try to capture exhaustion ourselves and put it on a shelf.

The Lord whispers in your ear..."Rest, my sweet Lie here in my arms, drink and eat of me...close your eyes and rest. Stop fighting...stop trying to control it....Rest. I am all you need...I have everything you need....I AM.

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29


His Girl said...

this is my kind of post. beautiful, deep, and sweet. It just refreshed my soul


Shelley said...

And OH how we Mama's need to rest. Sometimes the physical exhaustion is hard, but the mental and spiritual exhaustion is often more than I feel I can take. It's in those desperate moments that I finally realize He's trying to get my attention!

In answer to your previous post...I've always assumed it was pronounced Erin. But my good "real life" friend Alana and I had a little laugh over the fact that she had thought it was Ear-en. I think you commented on her post about your name. Anyway, it's fun to get to know people through this bloggy world, even if we don't always pronounce their names right!

ocean mommy said...

This reminds me of the verse in Deut. that says the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders... that was my theme verse when my youngest was a baby.

Have a great weekend!

BethAnne said...

Beautifully said and so very true. Everyday we fight battles we didnt expect to fight - some we win, some we lose, but our Father is there waiting to hold us.

Kristen said...

what a sweet and refreshing post Earen!

Unknown said...

I was studying about resting in the Lord yesterday. The verse from Matthew, and I will give you rest, means; I will rest(refresh) you. That is refreshing just thinking about that. The Lord is everything we need isn't He "I AM" . I wonder why we can not rest when we are overly tired? Love you Earen Mama

Renee said...

Wow. This was perfectly written, Earen. I know you have a gift for writing, but this was just perfect.

Loved it!! So sweet, refreshing, and true.


Anonymous said...

Hey, stranger! It's good to hear from you again.

I enjoyed the post. REST is exactly what I need right now - what a crazy time we've had over the last several weeks, and it's not quite over yet. For me, rest is a discipline, one which I'm not so strong in. I can't help but think it ought to be a gift and valued as such and I'm just missing that boat somehow. I keep thinking, "tomorrow... tomorrow I'll do better." !@#$%!

Hope springs eternal, you know!

BethAnne said...

On my blog, you said: "I'm sure that when you saw my comment you got pretty excited just like you did with Lysa, right?! Ha! Just kidding! That's pretty cool...although I'm hesitate to say that I haven't really heard of that ministry? Is this something I should check out? "

The answers to those questions are : Yes, I get excited when I get comments from you - I love you!!!! We should be neighbors, remember? And yes, Proverbs 31 Ministries is a great one for you to check out. Thanks for your prayers - my eyes look SOME better today - still somewhat like a red-eyed tree frog, but some better.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing ya!

That's EXACTLY what I have been learning. Why couldn't I have just learned it earlier? :)

Alana said...

Why do we fight so hard when the victory is already one? Great post!