Thursday, February 7, 2008

Simplify has a crazy way of allowing the time in our lives to fly by. Does the time fly out the door as my husband leaves work.....Is it chased out by the laughter & fun of my boys playing? When I was little at certain moments time went so very, very slowly. I remember feeling like summer break was forever.

My time is spent with 3 boys under the age of 5. The past few days my oldest son, Caleb has been spending some time with my parents. I watch as the 5 years of his life have passed with such speed as I realize his independence in full swing, for after 2 1/2 days of being gone we asked if he missed us and he says, "I thought about you, but I didn't really miss you." It's a part of my heart letting go as only time passing allows.

My second son Benjamin has grown & is becoming quite a little boy. As we were able to have some wonderful, quality time I marvel and wonder when he learned to speak like such a little boy. He wants me to play with him. His sweet lips pucker as he makes a little face that says, "please mama, play with me." When did the time allow for him to pass from a crawling infant, to a little boy?

My third son Levi. When did the time allow for him to be now sitting up, rolling over, and eating cheerios right off his tray. He says "da, da" and longs to be moving. When did my tiny newborn follow so quickly in his brothers before him. Where did the moments go as he's now trying to crawl around as sweetness radiates from his big, blue eyes. I feel as if I was just pregnant....

Life, it never sits still. It will go on whether we go along with it or not. The time we have in this life is temporary. I will always be the Mama, but I won't always be the caretaker of my precious boys. Time flies away when we aren't scatters through the dishes, laundry, and day to day responsibilities. Simplifying my life has allow time to slow down for me....maybe not as slow as I'd like, but I'm looking and seeing the life happening right before my eyes...the life in these 3 young boys.


Unknown said...

Good morning Earen! I am thinking of time and simplifying as I read your blog. As I play with the boys there is no time schedule in their little life's, A quote in a book I am reading says."Perhaps their father, who had no timepiece, would not know they were late." The Word of God says our days are in His hands we need to remember that, we are not in the world's hands, even though the world would like us to believe that. I love days I work out in the garden and yard and there is no time and my mind hears the voice of the Lord more clearly.May our time belong to the Lord fully. That is why I encourage you to spend time kissing, holding, rocking, singing, praying and teaching those 3 little boys now for they will soon be married busy with their own little boys. Teach them about the Lord when you rise in the morning, as you eat, at nap time, with Daddy, and when you walk along the way, and when you put them to bed! I love you, Mama

BethAnne said...

I know what you mean. It seems we are so busy with 'life' that time passes before we know what hit us. I looka t my 6 yr old and wonder when he got so tall and my 4yr old and remember he will be in school soon. It is so sad to me to think that the days of my boys being 'my babies' are almost over. I wish I could keep them little for just a few more years (like maybe 15 or 20 yrs ;-)

Sarah Markley said...

So funny. We've been home this entire week with flu stuff and its been interesting just spending so much time at home. I love it! I usually am driving to school twice a day, then dance or other lessons, etc. I hate it when the kids are sick, but it has been nice to have a simple week!

Kristen said...

Your words ring so true Earen! How fast the babes grow up before our very eyes. To cherish and embrace all these moments with these little ones - to give them love, to teach them, to train them, and then to let them go - and oh how fast those days of letting go come. Your post reminds me to hold them longer, snuggle more often, laugh more freely- and simply enjoy. Thanks for your words Earen!

dawn said...

Oh, Earen, you always speak volumes to me. I must be hormonal today because every post I read makes me cry, this being no exception.

I, too, wonder where this little toddler came from. Just last week we brought him home from the hospital and marveled at how tiny he was.

Now, he is the most curious little one I have ever seen.

Oh man, I need a tissue.

Janelle said...

"But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart."

That is how I feel. My heart will always remember.

Inspiring words, Earen. As always.

Anonymous said...

Just keep having babies like we do and you'll never lose that "where'd my baby go?" stage. :)

In all seriousness, it goes by quickly. Treasure each moment with them. It is a high calling and privilege to be a mother----and you are in the midst of training and raising 3 wonderful and godly men and future husbands!

Renee said...

I think we're going through some of the same things together right now. Learning how to be better wives, waking up early, eating healthy, working out, and simplifying.

I have been so convicted lately of how quickly my days go by. And what I spend them doing. What are my priorities? I've been trying to figure them out, and then structure my days around THEM, and not the other way around (my priorities.)

I read recently that we only get one shot at raising our children. Yes, there's grace, but this is it. We can't do it over. This concept has really convicted me. Am I REALLY doing the best I can? Enjoying every moment? Spending this life wisely?

Thanks for the inspirational post, Erin. I love your heart!

Jenni S. said...

What a sweet (and a little heart-breaking) post. It is so difficult to suddenly realize how quickly they've grown and to wonder "where was I when that happened?" I'm glad you've been able to make time to cherish them even more lately!