Tuesday, May 27, 2008

His Favorite!

I admit it...I want to be everyone's favorite.    I want everyone to like me best...to tell me their deepest thoughts & desires, first.   Me.    

Does that sound prideful or what?  But, it's true....at least for me.   I've known this about myself for a long time and I think it stems from feeling like I was no ones favorite when I was little - at least not with friends.    I remember having to work really hard to have any friends and maybe that's it...I tried too hard.

These feelings rooted their ugly head again this past week and I had to ask myself, "Why?"  The Lord has blessed me tremendously with some amazing friends and yet because of the situation I found myself in, I was feeling less desired as a friend.   And you know what, it was a lie straight from the pit of hell itself!   I quickly  (ok, somewhat quickly) worked through it and tried to fight past the false thoughts that had filled my head, but alas they were there.   

Isn't that just like the enemy to sneak into our thoughts, our relationships, our lives and try to ruin them.   From one little false lie I found myself discouraged & unloved...but, it was my own pity party because it wasn't based on the TRUTH!    The TRUTH of His Word and who He says I am!  

So, I'm reminded today of all the amazing friends I have and know that I might be the favorite, I might not be and I'm striving to be grounded in the Truth that all that matters is that I'M HIS FAVORITE!    


His Girl said...

I totally had an issue like that this weekend myself. Only prayer can squelch that stuff...

I'm always surprised I still get stumbled by that 'not the favorite' feeling... but Praise the Lord, He is faithful to remind me What really matters!

great post!

Shelley said...

Golly Goodnes Earen, I think we truly are kindred spirits! I have felt like this SO many times. As a child, a teenager, and of course as an adult. Thanks for this post. The next time those un-true thoughts try to invade me, I'll remember this post!

Mari said...

If it makes you feel good, you should know that you are one of my favorite bloggers! Of course - it's better to His favorite!

joy said...

isn't that so true? i guess that's why we need to continually feed ourselves Scripture, so the truth is there when we need it.

Lynn said...

Been there!!! I feel so immature when these feelings and thoughts creep up, but alas, they do. You are loved.

Sarah Markley said...

i totally understand this. you totally have written exactly what so many of us feel! =)

Janelle said...

I can't wait for the day that we will be victorious over the enemy!! Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Sittintall said...

The important thing is that you are able to get beyond the issue and see the truth!! I have totally had moments like that, where friends haven't confided in me or everyone has heard information before me. You would think at 30 something we could get beyond it, but it still hurts. But you went to your ABBA father with your pain, and that is what matters. Praise God that he hears our prayers and that He calls us His own.

BethAnne said...

I cant believe that you were not a favorite friend of many when you were younger-----WILL NOT believe that. I love you!!!! And I know you are one of His favorites!

Now, about those flip flips......I havent recieved mine yet and I am dying!!!! I love flip flop swaps.....last summer I did one with friends from church and I ended up receiving 9 pairs!!!! Can you say Hallelujah?

Anonymous said...

I think that is just one of the traps we women tend to face. High school sneaks up and bites you from behind sometimes, doesn't it? ;)

You're wise to recognize it as a lie, and you're right - it does take some working through, "talking to yourself," as Martin Lloyd-Jones says. David said it well in the Psalms, "Self, why are you cast down?" :)

I think most women can identify with what you shared here if we're honest.

Denise said...

I recognized a few weeks ago that i carry an imaginary cup around with me, and to each person i come in contact with, i put it, out and asking that they fill it.
i have been trying to hold that cup in, rely on Jesus to fill it, not depend on others for acceptance, love, value...

can you tell i struggle with this!

reading the comments here have been good! seeing we're all in the same boat!

Jenni S. said...

Oh the lies of the enemy sometimes come too easily into our minds - and I can only say that having struggled with some of the same situations. Thankfully He does not let us go and is constantly there reminding us of His truth as long as we are willing to listen. Good for you for being so willing to stay close to Him.

Alana said...

The devil knows just where to attack us and he lies in wait for the perfect time. I try to keep that in mind and be aware of my weak spots so I can spot those lies sooner than later. Great post. And just for the record, you are one of my favorite people ;-)