Sunday, May 4, 2008


I think I can vouch for most people in that we all love pictures. And as bloggers, we love to see pictures of things we write about or events that took place. It adds to the description...we now have a visual image. There have been blogs I've read and I don't know what that person looks like. But once they put a picture up of themselves it's like a "ahh" moment for us in that we now share deeper in their writing since we know what they look like.

As I was thinking about pictures and enjoying looking at so many of yours, I thought about the fact that not many of us have truly, physically seen Christ. We've all seen the movie depictions of him or what might be painted in a picture, or possibly what He might have "humanly" looked like back in the day..but none of us really knows what He looks like. We've never seen His picture...I don't think He really has a picture...He just is. If we did see a picture of Him, would it make Him more real to us? In that lies faith.....we don't see the wind, but we know it's there...we feel it. We know Christ is there....

Whether we've seen Christ or not, we should have the same undying passion for Him no matter what. There should always be that "ahh" moment. The picture we see of Christ is truly in His Word. For it's there that we learn who He is, what He's promised us, and the amazing depth of relationship He wants to have with us. It's nothing "we've" done....nothing "we've" earned, but by His grace alone that we are His.

And even though I've never physically seen Him, I know He's with me...for He lives in my heart. I know He's there because I asked Him to enter. And when my faith rises up to believe - whether or not I can see Him and have that proof, I know He can ALWAYS see me...and I ask myself, "What do I look like to Him?.....What does my life reflect?" For it's not about the outward appearance but entirely my heart.


His Girl said...

this? this is a wonderful blog! great job!!! I can't EVEN WAIT to see Him face to face!

I'm Tara. said...

This may sound cheesy but I have seen a bit of Him -- in people like you. And I mean that. But you're right - it's a hard concept to grasp, yet it doesn't make me doubt at all. That's one of those things my brain will get really confused about if I think on it too long. :)

Janelle said...

I agree with Tara. There are glimpses of HIM everywhere. I can't imagine what He really looks like.

Great words today, Earen.

BethAnne said...

I have thought so many times that when we get to heaven we are all going to be surprised. Most of us are looking for a tall man with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, light skin and a white robe.....I have a feeling that the only thing that we are even close on is the robe.
I am with Tara though, we see his character in people like you and others who love Him and want to show His love to others. Maybe we look more like Him than we think.....

Fran said...

You said it on the last sentence!

Have a great day Earen! You truly reflect Him in your blog!


Alana said...

I think we are only capabable of seeing glimpses of who He truly is.

I do wonder what He sees when looks at me...

Kristen said...

wonderful, thought provoking words Earen!

Jenni S. said...

Oh how I long to see Him someday, though. Not that it makes my faith any more real, but just to see Him and know that I am Home. I am not eager to leave my earthly family, but what a day that will be.