Friday, January 18, 2008

Seeing less of me....

I haven't written about my weight loss journey for awhile now. For those of you who are new visitors to my blog, yes...I struggle with the obsession of food & with that brings this ironic thing to my body...FAT! Ha!

When I first met & married my husband, I was 70 pounds lighter. Yes...70. I can't believe I just admitted that to you all! How embarrassing! He has loved me through every pound I've gained & lost...whether it be from just over indulging in food or because of being pregnant 3 times & over indulging in food. He's been my biggest supporter & truly my dearest & best friend.

A wonderful friend of mine has been helping me with a new program. It's what I call a burden lifted, guilt free, eating healthy lifestyle. No counting points, making sure I have enough of certain foods everyday...just eating healthy & reading labels. My husband has joined me & together he & I are learning one step at a time and becoming "less" each & every day.

At this current point in time, I've lost about 35lbs! I have to say that it was the first Christmas that I've lost 5 pounds! I've dropped 4 sizes, lost at least 15 inches, and find my workouts kicking my rear end...big time!! Most importantly, I am learning...I'm learning the freedom there is in eating healthy & just being educated about what I'm putting in my body. And in the midst of all this, I've bonded so very deeply with my friend who's given me hope. An unexpected treasure she is.....

So, the end of this month I start a new journey that has always been in my heart & that is to share this Hope with other women as I was asked to co-chair a new class they are starting for a group of women at my Mops group. I'm SO excited to just simply share my struggle and this journey that the Lord has brought me through.

So, there you have occasional update!


Truth said...

What an exciting adventure! Just found your blog today and was blessed.

dawn said...

Girl-Youl are amazing.

I just has a piece of chocolate cake for dinner because I am home alone. Well, except for Boy3, but he won't tell.

Alana said...

Earen, I am so impressed. I wish I could get my act together with these things like you have. Does your friend have a blog? I sure could use a tutorial or two!!

Short Stop said...

You should be SO proud, Earen. I know you have worked hard, and watching you take this on, and do so in such a Godly way has been so inspirational!

You are going to be GREAT encouragement to other women in your new role!

nancygrayce said...

That is really great! I was just discussing dieting with my dear husband the other day. He's lost 9 lbs to my 0 ....I just said sweetly, honey, your body isn't saying "STOP, YOU MAY NEED THAT FAT FOR HAVING A BABY!" to which he your age??? oh, dear Nice to visit your blog.

Kristen said...

Way to go Earen! That is a wonderful accomplishment! Thank you for letting us share in this journey. You will be a blessing to others - as you are able to share your story. I am inspired by you!

Anonymous said...

That's incredible and how wonderful to hear you sharing that hope with others! Praise God for your testimony! I was encouraged!

joy said...

congratulations to you. thanks for sharing your struggle. it's so amazing how God uses our struggles and what we've learned to help others. what a blessing and encouragement you are.

Jenni S. said...

That's wonderful for you, Earen! I love your attitude, though, in that you seem much more excited about living a healthy lifestyle and that's how it should be. It reminded me of one of my favorite CS Lewis quotes: "Put first things first and we get second things thrown in; put second things first and we lose first and second things."

Janelle said...

You rock!!!

Sittintall said...

That is simply awesome. You have some will power girl. I would really like to know more about that program. Good for you though.

BethAnne said...

I am so excited, proud (in a sister-friend way), and amazed that you have lost so much weight! It seems like you just started this journey and here you are half way there! I need to ask you to do me 2 favors:
#1.....give us an example of a day's menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks -the whole nine yards) a picture of the new Earen (its okay if you dont want to, but I really want you to ;-)