Saturday, January 5, 2008

Swaying in the Wind....

I gaze outside to see the beauty of His creation this morning. I look up to see the trees swaying in the wind as another cold front begins to move on in. Not only do I feel the peaceful morning, but I see it. Not a person out and the sounds of hush resonate with me. It's quiet, motionless, and still.

Does peace, stillness, and hush resonate in my I content in His presence and nothing else? A friend wrote to me in her Christmas card, "May the Lord drench you with contentment and joy....I know the peace is there, but can I feel it....or must I choose to feel feel the joy...feel the stillness...feel His presence. I know He's with me - without a doubt.

January - a still, quiet, and non-eventful month.....An opportunity for me to KNOW and FEEL His sweet presence even more. So as the trees sway in the wind this morning with the cold and ever so slight breeze, I relax in His wind and let Him take my heart where He please.


Alana said...

That is beautiful, Earen. I long for that peace and contentment as well.

Kristen said...

Great post this today Earen! I am hoping He will give me peace and cotentment too!

ocean mommy said...

"May the Lord drench you with contentment and joy" I LOVE this.

This was a beautiful post sweet friend!


Short Stop said...

I love this, Earen. It's so hard to be still before God...I hope I can do that these next few weeks as I wait...wait...wait...!

GREAT post!

dawn said...

WOW, Earen. Thanks.

Renee said...

Beautiful. Sweet, and beautiful. Thanks, Earen!!

Oh, and I'm sorry that I didn't respond to your message the other day. I turned on my computer, and then went to do something with Becca and never came back. Hopefully we can connect and IM sometime soon. I miss you!

Janelle said...

Sweet words! Thank you for the reminder that our job is to be still and know that He is God. Let Him take care of our lives and problems while we become completely dependent on Him.