Monday, October 15, 2007

Mini-Me Monday

Here's what I know....all the other "mini-me" updates have just been writing about my struggles. Nothing has really changed in my eating or exercise the past few weeks. Like I mentioned in previous blogs, I'm just procrastinating the inevitable change of eating that lies ahead of me.

Today is it...tonight when my husband gets home from work, I will be heading back to LAWL to be re-enrolled & start again. Even bought some vegetables last night at the store because I knew it would be full force tomorrow. So, this is the last day of bad eating habits. I'm not saying that there won't be moments in which I "stumble", but I'm striving towards full renewal in a healthy, eating lifestyle. I'm ready...ok, most of me is ready. There's a lot more cooking & preparing involved in this program. It's not like I can just grab a good salad at McDonalds or something...I have to plan ahead. Here's the odd thing - in planning ahead I find that I'm still thinking about food all the that not a bit ironic? But, I guess since I do think about it all the time, at least I'll be thinking more healthy this time vs. what junk food am I going to have next.

Today I step on that SCALE. Today they pull out the tape measure & measure me up. Today I face the truth...reality.

This is I thank you all for your support & encouragement you've given me thus far. So, what would you have for your last meal before the change of eating begins?


Anonymous said...

You can do it! It's so difficult making changes, atleast it is for me. Since I have been down here, I have eaten nothing but junk food. I am beginning to get sick of it---that's a start.
I hope you are encouraged along the way----I am so proud of you and Tara!

Alana said...

I understand your struggle. It really is a tough decision. It is a mental and spiritual battle for me.

You can do it, though!

Let's see...last meal...something with gravy and homemade mashed potatoes? And definitely a fabulous dessert!


Sittintall said...

What a great step in the right direction. I think going to the meeting will be a good thing. I have never done a weight loss program, but anything in groups always helps spur you on. Go girl!

BethAnne said...

Why is weight such a struggle for us all? It seems that we can quit most anything except eating our favorite foods. I know you can do it, girl. You may be one of those girls on the commercials showing before and afters - yay!
It is difficult to face our fears and imperfections, but we all have them (unfortunately) and you are willing to work to change what you don't like about yourself. I think you are very brave to share your thoughts on such a sensitive subject.
I know from your writing that you have a heart for the Lord and your family. I have added you to my prayer list - remember you 'can do all things through Christ who strengthens you'. You sure have a lot of cheerleaders here!

I'm Tara. said...

Go, Earen, go!! Fight, Earen, fight!! Win, Earen, win!! :) There's your you can do it cheer for the week!!

I am just SO with you on it being something to dread at the beginning. I'm so excited that we can encourage each other along the way. I met Jackie at the mall for a walk this morning -- let me know if you'd like a walking date sometime as well. :)

Last meal -- girl - something with tons of cheese and probably mexican food.

Renee said...

You can do it!! And I can't wait to hear the results!

Praying for you...cheering for you...encouraging you...believing in you!!

I'm with Tara on the cheesy mexican food. MMMMMMMMmmm....