Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Ugly Sin Nature

I sat earlier this morning listening to my older son throw a huge fit in his room. I think his behavior would be extremely embarrassing if I was out in public. I think that he should learn self-control & pull himself together. He slams a door...throws a toy...cries. Oh my goodness! (A small disclaimer - this is not the norm.. but every once in awhile he just breaks down - for those of you who have kids, you understand.) Of course we don't tolerate this in our home & it's definitely something we work on - always seeking the Lord for wisdom in this area.

I found myself the other day talking with Caleb about his whining & frustrated that he wouldn't stop. I proceeded to go lean over the kitchen sink in frustration only to hear that still small voice in my head that said, "Are you whining?" You know, those moments when you know it's the Lord sweetly expressing something to your heart? I found myself baffled by the ironic situation I was in. I was training my child about self-control & how to maintain his composure while using "his words" and I in that very next moment turn around & find myself losing it on the internal fit. And thus rises the ugly sin nature.

We've all been there as adults. At our wits end about something or another. I find I personally throw my fits, just in a different form than my children do. They do it loudly because they know no other way to control or express themselves; thus the training involved. I know better, so I hide it...I do it on the inside. I whine & throw my fit knowing that no one will see it, but my Heavenly Father does & so sweetly asks me, "Are you whining?" And I sit back & think...I'm not much different.

When I find myself complaining that I have to pick up after everyone constantly - I thank the Lord that He provided me with a beautiful home. When I've lost count at the times I've picked up cars or trucks in one day - I thank the Lord that He's provided us with money to buy things for our children. When I complain that I'm cleaning the kitchen yet once again & making breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks - I thank the Lord that He's given us food on our table for nourishment. When I'm so tired of the never ending loads of laundry - I thank the Lord for the clothes He's provided for us & the fabulous machines to wash them in. When I'm so tired of the never ending of everything - I thank the Lord for the life He's given me & the privileged I have to stay home and make this a loving environment for my family.

When I find myself whining & complaining - I'm thankful that I have a God who sweetly whispers in my ear, "Are you whining?"..."You know I always love you, so come to me anytime." And I find His grace & love saturating my heart yet again. When I find myself dealing with my Caleb, who's having a "moment" - I thank God that He gave me such a precious gift...3 of them to be exact.


Alana said...

Oh, I definitely have moments. Inward and outward ones. And I whine a lot. Not always out loud as you said, but sometimes.

I often feel like such a hypocrite when I say things like, "you have nothing to whine about" to my children.

I have nothing to whine about either.

Renee said...

I wish we lived closer so we could share these struggles in person. Most of your posts lately have been about things that are on my heart at the same time, too.

This morning was busy-getting ready for church, going to church, then there was an event after church, then we drove around and looked at some houses. When we got home, Becca couldn't stop crying. Andy (patient as he is) was doing his best not to get frustrated with her. After he put her down for her nap, I said "You know, I do the same thing. Just on the inside." (and sometimes on the out).

I feel honored to be sharing some of the same thoughts as you. Thanks for sharing this, friend!

Sarah Markley said...

I THANK you for the reminder to be THANKFUL! =). Well said and once again, well-written!

Sittintall said...

This post really spoke to me (of course many of your do), so thank you for sharing. I whine so much of the time and keep forgetting of all the wonderful things I do have in my life. We are blessed and although those little tantrums can drive us crazy the kids are a big blessing.

Short Stop said...

Oh, I can so relate to this Earen. I read once in a book that I can't remember for the life of me right try and be thankful and complain at the same time. It's impossible. What a great reminder to turn our hearts to thanks! Loved this!

BethAnne said...

You are so right, we live in a country where 95% of the people are considered wealthy compared to the rest of the world. We ask God for a bigger house and we complain that we have to clean it.
Good lesson for me today...............