Saturday, September 1, 2007


Yesterday morning, like so many of my days was spent with distraction after distraction. My mom was having some special one-on-one time with Caleb; therefore I only had two children to care for. I got Levi fed and put Benjamin in his highchair to eat his breakfast. I got my breakfast prepared and going in the microwave. I think...I'll just go quickly and make my bed...then on my way to make the bed I pick up a few toys on the floor. While I'm making my bed, I decide to grab the burp cloth on my floor and put it in Levi's dirty clothes. But, while I'm in his room I realize that I need to change his sheets because his diaper leaked. After making his bed I hear Levi getting fussy in his swing and decide it's time to put him down for his morning nap. I head out to the living room where he's in his swing and so diligently put him down for his nap, but not before I think I should grab his laundry and get that started....heading down to the laundry room, I put a load in and get that started and then grab Benjamin's clothes for the day to bring up stairs & get him dressed after he finishes eating....Meanwhile, my breakfast is now venturing towards the side of cold, so I re-heat it. While it re-heats I decide to empty the dishwasher. My breakfast is finally warm again and I finally get to sit down to eat and I realize that I left my water bottle in the other room. So, I get up to get it & head back into the kitchen to eat & finally sit down and then I hear Benjamin say to me...."Mama, I'm all done...get out?"

Does this sound like one of your mornings? Some might call these things distractions, but I call it having the privilege of being a mama! Always someone depending on you...always something to do...always cleaning up...always cooking a meal....always....

As a wife & mom, I always have responsibilities in my life, but I wonder what things become a distraction in my growing more in love with the Lord. Always an email to check...always a dish to put away...always a toy to clean up. When do I stop and take a moment to listen to His still small voice whispering my name and desiring my full attention? Is my first, my best always given to Him? Do I spend time in the Word and prayer like I should and make that my first priority...because I know that once I do that, it makes all the difference in my day. What do my distractions take me away from....Him?


I'm Tara. said...

Yes -- that sounds a lot like many days in my house! I'm always asking myself "What did I come in here for?" because it's usually not what I end up doing/holding.

I know that the days I start out in The Word and get up early to spend some quiet time with Him are my best days. You're right - distractions are everywhere.

Sarah Markley said...

I like the new look! Also, I agree...there are so many material distractions in the house. My best times with God are away from here, I think (outside, or even with my Bible and a book at Starbucks).