Monday, September 10, 2007

Never ending struggle...coming to an end...

One of my daily...moment...second to second struggles...Food! It's a daily battle & one in which I've struggled with for all my life. I love junk food! As a result of my love for food, I have this excess weight that just won't go away! :-) I know we all struggle with different areas in life, but the ups & downs of losing weight has been a constant in my life. I lost quite a bit of weight several years ago & then got married & had kids & it has slowly crept back on with addition. It's hard to admit you have an addiction or struggle with anything in your life, but mine is very visible & a constant reminder to me of my weakness. Thankfully, I try to keep my mind focused on a God that loves the inside of me, but also desires for me to treat His "temple" to the best of my ability. is "fresh & new with no mistakes in it...yet." (for those of you Anne of Green Gable fans!) I'm going to now have in my blog a weekly area in the side column in which you can see if I've lost weight. Then every Monday will be my..."Monday Miracle" update on how I did the whole week prior & what the Lord is teaching me. So, as I open up my heart every Monday, you might see the good, the bad, & the ugly, but I know that by doing this I'll have some accountability & desire for the Lord to work in me.

I'm not proud of this battle and I don't love having to work so hard in this area in my life...alas, I know the Lord can help me through this & it's only through HIS strength that I will be able to win! So there I am...poured out in all honesty...a struggle that has been a never ending one is being lost & forgotten to one that is going to end.


BethAnne said...

I too have struggled with my weight (more in high school that adulthood, but I do need to lose about 15 pounds). I can totally sympathize with your thoughts here. It is the most difficult thing to give up food. It isnt like cigarettes or drugs, because those are things that you can remove yourself from and you dont need in the first place. Food is everywhere and you have to have it to live.
When I was in high school I gained 20 pounds and hated my body. In college, I lost those pounds but have found at 34 it isnt as easy to lose anymore.
A friend of mine lost 60 pounds on his own simply by faith. He said he realized that his overeating was not honoring God so he became dependent upon God for helping him control his eating.
It is not a simple task, but it is one that you (and I) can do with God's help. Dont forget that skinny is not the goal - healthy is. God thinks you are beautiful just as you are.

Short Stop said...

Oh, friend...I admire your resolve and desire to share what God is teaching you through this. I think overcoming any temptation is a struggle, and I think it's so awesome that you are willing to share that struggle here!

I'm going to be cheering you on...praying that your resolve with result in the loss of pounds you so desire, and that mostly, God will teach you amazing things as you seek Him through this!! :)

Sittintall said...

Hi, I just discovered your blog through shortstop (just browsing) and noticed your Monday entry. What an honest and vulnerable entry. I too have battled with weight, and in fact vowed to start a diet today (of course that's not always saying much, because I say that just about every week). Anyhow, I have contemplated writing about this very subject only to back down because of what I might commit too publicly only to possibly fail. Good luck to you. I will think of your faith, as I stumble upon my similar journey.

I'm Tara. said...

Okay, as per our conversation, I'm in it with you, my friend. You can do this and the fact that you are placing God in control is the key. Love you -- thanks for opening up and being so honest. We'll cheer you on, Earen!!! Love you, friend!!

Sarah Markley said...

Earen - this is so difficult and for me, this will be a lifelong battle. I lost 60 pounds 7 years ago (overweight my WHOLE life) and then I gained so much weight with my second pregnancy. I bascially had to lose 60 pounds all over again. This last time I did it with WWatchers, exercise and a whole bunch of prayer. I know you can do it. I will be praying for you in this struggle.

Anonymous said...

So, here you have your "cheering section!" But I hope you know that if you have a post to share one day about a failure, your fans will not be disappointed, only that much more encouraging.

Oh, how our bodies change with childbirth and age! For years and years I never had to think about what I ate... but then came that third child, and the big 3-0! EVERYTHING changed, and it's not easy. I love junk food, too, and I find the more I eat, the more I want it! I hope once you're over the initial "withdrawal," it will get easier.
Thank you so much for sharing something so personal...
"You go, girl!" :)

Earen said...

Thank you all so much for your support, encouragement, & prayers! I SO appreciate it. You all are wonderful!!

Renee said...

I love, love, LOVE your open heart and honesty! Thank you so much, friend, for being so vulnerable.

I am trying to get going on WW again. Started it in CO, and lost 9 lbs, but haven't been doing so well over the move. You and Tara are inspiration to get going again. I think I'll have to do an accountability thing like you girls, too. I'd love to do this journey with you!

And of course, I'll be praying for you, and encouraging you. I too, have struggled with food my whole life, but like any other addiction, we are able to overcome with God's help. Let's do it!