Thursday, September 13, 2007

Playing Cars...

I'm a girl, I love girly things...and the Lord decided to give me 3 boys. I love my boys...they are the delight of my heart and such a joy (most days!). I have 2 brothers myself, but it wasn't like I played legos, toy soliders, or cars. I did play cowboys with Joshua, but not far behind was my baby doll or a pretend bank awaiting my immediate attention. Yesterday my boys were playing cars and they wanted me to sit down and play with them. I took a moment to glance around my house & notice that dinner needed to be started, bathrooms needed to be cleaned, and I'm sure a hundred other things...but I sat down. We pushed cars down a race track for awhile & it was fun. They love their boy things; although they are very interested too at all the stuff I put on my face & the brushes I apply it with. But, it has been a new journey for me...growing & having fun with boy toys.

Earlier this week was rough on me. Overall I think it really wasn't my kids but more so me. My heart was full of selfish desire and I was taught & humbled by the Lord yet once again. In a moment of putting Caleb to bed, I started crying on him...poor little guy. But what surfaced again was truly evidence of an extremely sweet & sensitive heart within my 4 1/2 year old. He asked me what was wrong & I found myself expressing my thoughts in tears to a little man. When I was finished (he's going to be an excellent listener as a husband) he says to me, "Mama, how about after I play with one toy, I'll put it away before I get another one out?...thus trying to help with my frustration of constantly picking up. After a few moments of my singing to him in bed, he looks at me again and says, "Mama, how about when you vacuum tomorrow, you can leave me a little bit & I will help you." Talk about pulling a "self indulged" mom back into true humbleness. It was at that moment that I was pulled out of my own selfishness and graced by the love of a 4 year old.

So, as I play boy games and play cars with my boys, it's in those moments that I realize that I have little joys that have hearts full of gold.


Sarah Markley said...

So awesome you have boys. One of my best friends has 4. Just think, I will never be able to sit and watch my son-man play a football game, or wear his father's ties. I am convinced God gives us children in order to use them to mold us. What is God trying to teach me about girls? I don't know yet. Thank you for sharing!

BethAnne said...

As the mother of 2 boys, I can totally relate. I love my boys and they are so sweet and tender hearted toward me (not always so to each other unfortunately). It is a special thing to be a mom to boys - no one will ever love them like we do (except God of course) and no one will ever love us like they do.

Anonymous said...

I just have the one boy, and I was telling my husband last night that Jack leaves utter destruction in his wake - wherever he goes, there's a mess! He's the Tasmanian Devil or something. I cannot wait until it's a little cooler and he can go OUTSIDE for awhile without fear of heatstroke. Sometimes I don't know what to DO with this kid to get his energy released! I can't imagine having 3.
We all have our moments where we feel like we can't take it another day. It's like trying to string beads with no knot in the string. There's no files to be put in storage... "finished." There's no "hold" button on the phone, there's no secretary to field irritating people, there's no "break room."
But there is HOPE. That is my watchword with Jack, particularly. "Now faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR..." I even bought a silver Christmas "charm" to hang on his picture frame that says "hope." These little men have such potential. Goethe said, "Little girls we love for what they are, little boys, for what they promise to be." So true.
You have such a sweetie, there... oh, how God sanctifies us through these little ones.

Renee said...

What a precious little man that you have!! I love how sweet your Caleb is, and how tender hearted. Not surprising though, considering his mama!

Isn't it funny how God can use our little ones to remind us of His love? They can frustrate us more than anything, and then one second later, melt our heart. I remember I was crying in the living room after an especially trying day with the girls. Becca said "Matter mommy?" and brought her Elmo (her favorite toy) over, and started singing to me. It put everything into perspective.

I'm so blessed that I get to read your blog!

Alana said...

That is the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time. You are right, he will make a wonderful husband someday.

I can relate to the boy thing as well. I never thought I would be a mother of boys, but I truly love it!

I'm Tara. said...

*dabbing my eyes*

Okay...the vaccuum comment? Helllllooo, Earen? Tissue alert for your readers, please? Goodness! He is such a sweet, sweet boy. And bless your heart - you have obviously done a wonderful job of raising him to be that way. God has blessed you with those boys for a reason, and them with you.

Stacia said...

What an amazing little boy you have. I am a mom of 4 boys. It can be crazy at times but such a joy. For years I have built train tracks, played cars, I get beat at every video game and I would not have it any other way. In the every day it can be so easy to forget that you are raising Godly men that will grow to be the spiritual leaders and supportive husbands. Thank you for sharing and reminding me that I need to help build a train track and get on the floor and play. :)

Short Stop said...

Ok, so now I'm totally crying! Of course, you know I have two boys, and I can relate so much to how you feel. I am also learning to play with their cars, and trains, and not freak out as they wrestle each other! But, it's in the moments when they show their sweet and tender hearts, that I am SO thankful to God for giving me such treasures! :) LOVED this post! :)