So, nothing deep today, but light-hearted Friday fun! I love Fridays...it means that my husband will be off for the next two days & I love having him home with us. But, this particular weekend my best friend Sharalee is visiting me from California! I'm SO excited as I miss her terribly. We met our Senior year of high-school & it was almost immediate friendship. I had prayed for a really close friend all my life and she's definitely an answer to prayer & was well worth waiting for. You know, that person who you have everything in common with...likes, dislikes, faith, & convictions. We've worked together, traveled a ton together before we were married, and did just about everything together before our loves came into our lives.
Well, almost 5 years ago her love moved her away from me....to a state far, far away. As hard as it was for me & still is, I know they were following what the Lord had for them seeing as he was going to pastor a church out there. Needless to say, it was like part of me was torn apart & I continually miss her like nothing else! I love her dearly!
So, this weekend I get to spend time with her & I can't wait. She's a sweet, sweet friend & blessing from the Lord..she's a kindred spirit & a bosom buddy. If you don't hear from me this weekend on my blog, well...that's why! And if you don't hear from me about "mini-me Monday" then you'll know I didn't eat well while she was here! HA!
So, a little plug for her...she makes & sells her own jewelry & it's beautiful! I've added a link to the side bar of my blog. Just go to it & click on "Designs by Sharalee" I get compliments on her jewelry I wear all the time!
Blogging friends...have a wonderful weekend filled with His sweet presence. May you always know the amazing depth of His love for you.
Girl, eat all you want this weekend - you can't have fun wit old friends unless good food is involved (at least I cant!). Have a blast!!!!
I saw the jewelry and it is beautiful. Have a great weekend. Time with the girls is always great!
I hope you have an amazing, fun-filled weekend. Can't wait to hear about it!! Have a great time!
Have a wonderful time! Soak it up!!!
Friendship indeed is such a gift from God---I am glad that you have this time to spend together!!
i find that when i am with my old childhood friends it is like going home to a part of myself.
i hope your time was refreshing!
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