Monday, September 24, 2007

Mini-Me Monday

Is it really Monday again?! The accountability of expressing my week of weight loss is not always fun to do...especially when you don't do as well as you'd like. I feel right now as if I'm just taking baby steps. The eating aspect of my journey hasn't changed that much as of yet, although I do feel that I'm being a bit more careful as to what I decide to eat...or maybe I should say how much I decide to eat. I was proud of myself in that last week I did dump half a pan of wonderful, chocolate, soft,luscious , brownies down the drain. Oh, that was a hard one.....But, the exercise has increased and I feel as if I'm meditating on my Bible verse a lot more throughout the day...especially since it's posted right on my kitchen cupboard.

I express to friends that the desire to be healthy, eat well, & exercise is so deeply there & yet when the choice remains & is presented in front of me, I forget that desire. Why is that? I'm finding that same mentality goes beyond just eating & into quite a few areas of my life. Having the desire & yet the flesh takes over & sometimes wins....urgg. Our pastor spoke so eloquently yesterday about how the flesh is so strong & desires to take over at every opportunity. Living in the Spirit, even with issues like eating...that's what it's going to take.

I was watching the movie "Shadowlands" this past weekend. It's a short glimpse of the life of C.S. Lewis. If you haven't seen it, you should rent it! the movie he made this comment..."Experience, it's a brutal teacher but my how we learn." That quote can apply to so many areas of our life, but I was thinking of it relating to my eating. I have had the experience of my "out of control" eating being a brutal teacher, but if it had never happened would I have learned as much as I have in the Lord.

I don't know, some of these struggles we go through can be a blessing in disguise if we learn...learn in the Lord.


Short Stop said...

That is an awesome quote by C.S. Lewis. He's one of my faves! It sounds like you're indeed learning more and more! It looks like God is using this struggle to really draw you to want to understand Him more and more. That's awesome!

Renee said...

You can do it, Earen! You're doing a great job...even if you're not 'seeing' it yet. We just have to keep on keeping on. :) Remembering our 'goal' that we're striving towards.

Love you, friend, and am praying for you!

I'm Tara. said...

Okay, so I tried to reply earlier but it must have gotten eaten. LOL - get it? Eaten? Ha ha. I crack myself up!

You know, the fact that you are still here, being accountable is a very important part. You have the desire, you HAVE the willpower -- it will happen, friend. I'm proud of you and cheering you on!!

Sarah Markley said...

I threw away 3/4 of a dark chocolate/ white chocolate peppermint pound cake on Sunday. Ouch. But better in the trash than calories in our tummies, I guess. Keep fighting!