Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Porch Light

Tonight I was driving myself & the boys home and observed child like faith in action. Caleb was explaining to his younger brother all about heaven & hell. How Satan used to be an "angel that would sing & wanted all the other angels to sing with him & he wanted to be king." How God threw him out of heaven & now he lives in hell. How we have to ask Jesus in our hearts in order to live in heaven and we don't want to live in hell. I realized that this 4 1/2 year old is listening and hearing the Words of Truth.

What happened next struck me dearly. Caleb looked up at what my guess was a star in the sky saying, "Mama, that's so bright!" "Yes honey", not really even knowing what he was looking at seeing as I was driving. Then he said, "That must be Jesus light." As if the Lord left a light on the porch of heaven. It was soul sweetness at its core.

Right before my very eyes, my little child was being Jesus light to his younger brother. Sharing with him the pure & simple ways of reaching heavenwards. There was no hesitation in sharing & there usually isn't with Caleb. He's definitely speaks his mind. It reminded me of how the Lord desires us to be a light to this dark world...not holding back...with no hesitation...abandoning all else for the sake of the Cross. Caleb was sharing with Benjamin without reservation.

I learn so much from my children. I desire to be a light to this world...to share without any reservation. To share the greatest gift I've ever been given. Then maybe after I share the Lord with them, they can look forward to one day reaching the porch light of heaven. Until then, we'll have to see "Jesus light" from here.


Sarah Markley said...

I LOVE this. I love how they explain things so simply and truly. Thank you for sharing this.

Renee said...

Once again, reading your words is like a big, squeezy hug. Your heart is just so sweet, and you can't help the way it shines.

I love this analogy, and this story. Thanks for sharing, Earen!

I'm Tara. said...

That is just so, so, SO sweet! I absolutely love it...it's like a greeting card or something. It's gonna stick with me for awhile! You are doing such a great job with those boys, Earen!

Anonymous said...

On a funny note, once when Claire was little, so little that I didn't know she even knew about "hell" yet, I saw her talking earnestly to another little girl at the hair salon. When we left, I said, "what were you saying?" She said, "I was telling her about 'heel,' and how it's a bad place, there are NO TOYS there - YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE!" I thought, "oh, great." Time for a little talk! :)

Your son definitely has a better perspective and a much more biblical one, for sure! :)
He expressed something difficult in a beautifully poetic way. Don't you love those moments?

Short Stop said...

It's SO amazing how their hearts can be affected at such a young age. God is clearly using you in their lives, Earen! This is evidence of that.

Oh, I just love reading these kinds of posts. YES, we can learn SO much from our children!

Alana said...

That is so great. It is so great when you have those moments when you can see that things are getting through to them!

Denise said...

This story makes me remember some of our sweet God talks.
Thank you.
Isn't it wonderful to watch your children wrap their minds around the TRUTH!!

Moss & Fern Cottage said...

What a sweetheart... and guess who he's learning from ? YOU !! You are in fact... a light shining bright :)