Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Feeling pain...

I was watching a TV show last night & they made a comment that really stuck out to me. There was this little girl who thought she was a superhero because she couldn't feel any pain. What they found was that there was a chromosomal issue that when pain occurred she would never feel it. While trying to save her from an injury she didn't even know about the doctor said, "Pain isn't always a bad thing...we need to feel it."

When I think of pain, we think that it isn't a good thing & can make us feel times to the point in which it would be better if God would just take us now! The pain of an injury, the pain of childbearing, the pain of a broken heart. There's always pain around us and at times in the midst of our own lives. I thought about all this in correlation to our relationship with God. If there was never any pain in my life...would I feel the need for a Savior? I think to my constant battle of losing weight & know for a fact that being disciplined & even times of exercise are what I would call pain. It's not hurts. Not only does it hurt physically, but it is a humbleness to my inner "right" to eat whatever I want at that moment; thus giving into my own selfishness. I don't think that pain comes from God, but I do feel like He allows it in our lives. Because hopefully for most least in my case, it turns me back to Him. I think back to every painful moment I've had in my life & I honestly do turn to Him. Now, why it takes "pain" in my life to cause me to become closer to Him is a whole other blog.

After watching the TV show and hearing what she said, she's right. We need to feel the pain because if we don't, then we enter an extremely dangerous pathway of destruction. I guess it's all in your outlook on things The pain of an injury means that the Lord gave me a body that can function & be active..hopefully still active after the injury. The pain of childbirth means that I'm about to see my beautiful baby & the miracle of life. The pain of a broken heart means that hopefully I'm a stronger & wiser person through it.

The Lord is constantly refining & molding us. In the refining process, there's can produce pain, but in the end a beautiful heart and soul is displayed.


Unknown said...

Great Blog Love. I really you have a gift of writing. I hope that our boys are as talented as you! Love you!

Short Stop said...

WOW, Earen. This is so well written and rings so true in my heart.

I am so thankful that God has allowed different painful experiences in my life. He has used them to shape and mold me to be more like Christ, to teach me to trust Him, and with physical pain, to have compassion on others who suffer. I often think He gives some of His most tremendous gifts through pain. The result of my once broken heart is now my marriage to my amazing husband!

Thank you for sharing this today, and reminding me of how God works through the pain He allows. :)

Renee said...

Love you!!

Thanks for the inspiration, as always. I completely agree with everything you said. I've often wondered why it takes pain in my life to bring me back to the cross, sometimes.

I think I heard it said somewhere before that pain usually gives birth to something. Be it a child, or a better part of you, or a closer relationship with God. That's an interesting thought.

And what you said about food...that's right on for me! I think that's one of my struggles with eating. I feel like it's my right to eat whatever I want, or sometimes I feel like I 'deserve' it. Those are all very selfish reasons. Thanks for shedding some light!

Sarah Markley said...

Okay, I LOVE what you said (so profoundly and eloquently) about our "inner right" So true. I feel it all the time (like I have some God-given right to over-indulge). That is so interesting that you put it that way; really puts things into perspective. Keep up the hard work with the weight loss; it will pay off and I know its hard!

I'm Tara. said...

You are such a smart lucky to be your friend!!

I just have to share this verse with you. It was referenced in the Bible study I did yesterday (all about self-discipline, by the way) but not quoted. It stuck out to me so much that I wrote it in myself and it was the first thing I thought of when I read your blog today.

Hebrews 12:11
"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in His way."

I'm thinking of putting it on a card and taping it to the fridge so I have to read it and memorize every time I reach for a snack. :) Hope it blesses you the way it did me!