Caleb is a little delight to watch. He's grow up into such a fine little boy; even though he's just 4 1/2. I love watching the ways of my boys & how they take in life. I recently bought some "real" pencils for him, (not the mechanical ones) some erasers, & a pencil sharpener. You would have thought Christmas had come early! He has spent days sharpening those pencils & practicing his letters & numbers.
Here's the interesting thing that I'm finding in raising kids, you think it would be great fun to buy them all these toys and they think it will be wonderful & they play with it for 5 minutes & then they're back to sharpening a pencil, so to speak. Am I the same way? I walk through a store thinking an item might bring me so much happiness & it does make me happy for maybe a couple days & then it's back to the same feeling as prior to purchasing it. Everything just gets old after awhile.
So, why do we place so much emphasis in our lives on things & material possessions? Maybe because it's fun & fulfilling, only temporarily. Don't get me wrong, there are material possessions that I cherish dearly, but really I'm not taking anything with me when I go Home. Then why am I holding on so tightly? I'm not sure if it's necessarily about the stuff as much as it's about the heart behind the stuff...If our hearts were truly seeking the Lord, would He desire us to have all that we do? True contentment...one in which I really need to work on myself.
My mom recently told me of a family friend who got back from Africa and had an enlightening moment. She said that in Africa, the women would sit & listen to her for hours & the small children would just sit so very contented in their mother's lap...again, for hours. Can any of us honestly say that our children would sit for hours in our laps? Is it because I've inundated their world so heavily with stuff? Every mother longs to make their child happy...at least I do. But, like I've talked about in past blogs, it's not really all about being happy, but what am I teaching them about joy...Joy in Him.
Stuff, it clutters up our lives...maybe even blinds us to what matters most. I'm remembering that it's not all about these huge toys & fun things I buy for my children, but it's the simple pleasures of sharpening a pencil. And I keep pursuing the ever daily desire of leading my sons to the simple Truths of His Word & true contentment in Him...I think we will be learning it until we reach Eternity.
My husband always says that when you buy something, it really only feels good when you're in the check-out line. Afterwards, it's kind of old news. Perhaps this is not true for everything, but it sure is true for a lot!
This is something we think about a lot in our house. We have come to value experiences over things, and are learning that material things really just don't make you happy. Memories...you take them with you for an entire lifetime!
Sorry, this is your blog, and I'm "talking" too much again, but you are so right...real joy is to be found in HIM!!
You and I are very much alike in our thoughts lately, friend! I've been thinking about 'stuff' a lot lately. You know how God just kind of brings things up over and over again when He's trying to get something across to you? (At least that's what He has to do sometimes, to get my attention). Anyway...I keep having the issue of 'stuff' brought up. (Articles...radio programs...friends' blogs)
We are so consumed with stuff, and none of it matters. Just like you so eloquently put it. :)
It's the same for me, with food. I usually only really enjoy the first few bites of something. Then I'm just eating it to eat it. Maybe temporal 'stuff' is like that. Hmmm..
Sorry for the rambling...you just got me thinking!
I totally agree, about the whole stuff thing. We are in the process of trying to simplify things, its so hard, but def. necessary. I know my kids aren't content to sit in my lap for hours. You are so eloquent, Earen! I am so glad you are blogging!!!!
Ahhhh, the clutter. Literal and figurative clutter -- it all crowds me. What I find is that if I don't stay on top of it every day, it overwhelms me and I almost don't know where to start.
I think that we are all probably guilty of overwhelming our kids with "stuff" too -- when they show us how the simple things are so much more enjoyable -- it does make you stop and wonder about all of the things we put in their paths, doesn't it?
Hmmm - ya made me put on my thinking cap today, girlfriend.
Amen, sister! I can't agree more.
Love the picture of Caleb!!
You are EXACTLY right - we are all spoiled (kids and adults as well). I am convicted of this alot. We only buy our kids toys for Christmas and birthdays, but out families buy them things all year and their appreciation level gets lower with every gift they recieve.
I am that way with God too. The more 'everyday normal miracles' He performs in my life, the more I come to expect Him to do those things and the less I appreciate them. (Does that make sense?)
Thanks for this post - I needed to read it!
I think my kids don't sit in my lap for hours because my lap isn't available. my lap is doing laundry, dishes, toilets, bills... by the time my lap is down they're in bed.
Maybe I should move to Africa??
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