Sunday, September 23, 2007

A little man for You...

Our sweet little Levi, we dedicated you to the Lord today - declaring you to be His in front of our fellowship of believers. Not one of salvation, but one of giving your life into His hands. As we your parents give you to the Lord, we pray that you choose to serve the Lord at a young age & passionately pursue Him all the days of your life. May your feet always walk in the ways of the Lord...always trusting where He leads you. May your hands serve others as the Lord would & passionately worship Him. May they always be outstretched in complete surrender to Him. May all that you are and ever hope to be find complete & deep love solidly rooted only in Him. May your voice speak passionately of His name and may your ears hear His still small voice in quiet ways as when you hear the winds flowing through the trees...knowing He's always there & always loving you even though you might not see Him now. And one day..may you see Him face to face & He call proudly, "Well done, my good & faithful servant."

I love you my dear, sweet are a gift.


BethAnne said...


Alana said...

That was beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your prayer.

Short Stop said...

What a gift to have a Mom and Dad that pray for him that way! He is truly blessed!

Renee said... have such a beautiful way with words, Earen. Not to mention a heart that is passionately on fire for the is breathtaking!

Precious little Levi...I agree with short stop. He IS truly blessed!!